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il sublime rovesciato: comico umorismo e affini

Saggi e rassegne

Sofia Castagna

«Mixtis ossibus ossa teram». Properzio 4, 7 e il grottesco amoroso nell’elegia latina

Abstract: This contribution aims to analyze the grotesque imaginery of Propertius 4, 7, intending the grotesque as one of the aspects of the comic in literature based on a ludicrious and uncanny description of a unity between conceptual or imaginative polarities. Cynthia returns to her poet-lover the first night after her funeral, accusing Propertius of having already forgotten their foedus amoris: she knows he has been unfaithful, whereas in the Underworld she lives together with the faithful lovers of the myth. After scolding him several times, she predicts him that, although he may have other lovers now, she will soon stay with him in a definitive way, as their bones will mingle for eternity. In this elegy, Propertius points out how the typical idealization of beauty in Roman love elegy is itself not destroyed as it is depicted through the grotesque: on the contrary, beauty grows in humorous and eerie qualities.

Sofia Castagna

Laureata triennale cum laude all’Università degli Studi di Milano in Scienze dell’antichità con una tesi riguardante il legame tra vicenda elegiaca e linearità narrativa, frequenta attualmente la magistrale in Filologia, Letterature e Storia dell’antichità presso la medesima sede. Si occupa di letteratura latina: in particolare di poesia amorosa d’età augustea e di tematiche elegiache, ma tra i suoi interessi si annoverano anche la narratologia, la letteratura e la poesia contemporanee.

Bibliografia e Note

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