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il sublime rovesciato: comico umorismo e affini

Saggi e rassegne

Luisa Bertolini

Teorie del comico: Noël Carroll, Terry Eagleton, Giovannantonio Forabosco e David Le Breton (rassegna)

Abstract: Noël Carroll, Terry Eagleton, Giovannantonio Forabosco and David Le Breton rediscuss the traditional theories of the comic (Relief theory, Superiority theory and Incongruous juxtaposition theory) by resorting to different spheres of culture: psychology, anthropology, logic, linguistic, philosophy and literature. The plurality of approaches reveals new contributions on why we laugh, how we laugh and how laughter is intertwined, but does not coincide, with humor, irony and satire.

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Bibliografia e Note

Carroll Noël, Lo humour (2014), Bologna, Il Mulino 2020
Eagleton Terry, Breve storia della risata, trad. it di Denis Pitter, Milano, il Saggiatore, 2020
Forabosco Giovannantonio, Il settimo senso. Psicologia del senso dell’umorismo (con istruzioni per l’uso, Mulazzo (MS), Tarka, 20202
Le Breton David, Ridere. Antropologia dell’homo ridens, trad it di Paola Merlin Baretter, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2019